Who Are Cinesters?

Stories are like the air we breathe, barely visible but imperative to our survival. Humans need stories in every aspect of their life. They need it to cope with reality and sometimes, to escape from it. Stories are not a luxury, but the fundamental blocks of human beings that carve their identity and give them a reason to live. Doesn’t that make storytelling the most noble profession there is?

So where do we come in? 

To be honest, we are all a bunch of anomalies who never fit in a box, just like the stories we want to create. In a world that is turning increasingly formulaic, is there anything more sinister than being different? That is why we have named ourselves ‘Cinesters’.

To create art is to act beyond boundaries and we have never really cared to toe the line. Our stories are going to make a difference, simply by daring to be different. Cinesters are anarchists, who want to revamp filmmaking with their experimentation and take it to heights of glory like never seen before. We have already started our journey and the day is not far when we achieve this goal of ours.

Contact us to schedule a free consultation, and see what value we can add to your work!